Monday, September 5, 2016

Howdy! I'm Larissa, mom to six fur babies and wife to an incredible artist.
Let's start with...I've never made a blog in my entire life and I barely even post on social media unless it's re-posting some super awesome new Green Magic Homes, or how Colorado has legalized collecting rain water.

So a little "About Me":

I have FIVE doggies and one kitten, I could go on for daaays about how cute and special and smart they are. But I'll save that for another time.

I got married at nineteen and we didn't feel like we belonged in Indiana so we started our quest to find our place. We started by moving to Cincinnati to stay with family and experience "city life". From there we moved to Tucson, AZ and had a little studio in the Sonoran desert (116 degrees the first day we were there). After experiencing what seemed like an endless summer, we decided to move north to Colorado. The Rocky Mountains had us in awe and we wanted to see more, we couldn't stop there. We headed even further west, stopping in Salt Lake City, UT, Reno, NV, and San Fancisco, CA before reaching our final destination in Santa Cruz, CA.

Now if you've ever been on this type of journey, you might already know the meaning of being a "dirty kid" if not, it's basically a person that couch surfs, sleeps in caves (which I've done) or pitches a tent in the woods. Yes, I was a dirty kid. I spent most of my time camping in the woods, cooking over a fire, taking ranger baths and getting to know nature and just really finding myself.

During this time, I realized what my passions were; making everything by hand, helping my friends, and travelling/meeting new people. Thus came the R.V. idea...and straight out the door it went. I knew I was meant for something more. I wanted what I had always talked about with my fellow travelers, a place between places so to speak. We always talked about farming our own food and living off grid, a working, thriving community dedicated to all of us and travelers alike.


We got on a bus from Santa Cruz, CA all the way back home because I had figured it out. It was like having an epiphany on steroids. All the little communities that are out there seem like cults, they're not very inviting, they deny travelers and they generally aren't farming, they're renting out rooms.


I want to build tiny, AFFORDABLE, beautiful homes that people can own outright or in just a 3-5 years. Doesn't that sound beautiful? Owning a home in just a few years?
I want to help people shed their baggage and live's corny but it's catchy, huh?
Sustainable homes that people can buy in homesteading communities. Connecting with nature, growing our own food, helping our fellow neighbors thrive. Because that's how it should be.

My dreams may be a little out of the ordinary, but I truly believe we can save the world if we just work together.

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